This article will explain the meaning and advantages of the CACHE, NCFE, and Ofqual.
What is CACHE?
CACHE is a UK awarding body. CACHE is an acronym for Council for Awards in Care, Health, and Education. CACHE qualifications are recognized across the education and care industry and they are amongst the most well-known and respected qualifications. This organization is owned and operated by an even bigger entity called NCFE. NCFE is an educational charity and leader in vocational and technical learning. Both these entities have been around for over 100 years.
What kinds of qualifications do CACHE and NCFE offer?
CACHE and NCFE have thousands of qualifications in different sectors relating to care, health, education, as well as business and other areas. If you are interested in seeing all the different qualifications that are offered by NCFE and CACHE, you can visit QualHub, which is a dedicated site where you can browse and search qualifications across NCFE and CACHE brands. QualHub also lets you access qualification guides and supporting material for each qualification.
CACHE and NCFE do not deliver qualifications to learners directly. Instead, they accredit training institutes, colleges, and other entities and approve them to deliver specific qualifications within their community. CACHE approved centers must follow rigorous standards for registration, delivery, assessment, internal quality assurance and certification for their learners.
Arabian Child is an international CACHE approved center that delivers NCFE CACHE qualification. If you are considering enrolling in a CACHE qualification from a training institute or college, make sure that they are listed on the CACHE international website.
What does Ofqual mean?
The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) regulates qualifications, examinations and assessments in England. All CACHE courses lead to a nationally recognised Ofqual regulated qualification and are accredited on the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF). CACHE and NCFE work with Ofqual to ensure that all their qualifications meet the UK regulatory requirements.
Arabian Child is an international CACHE accredited Center. The information above is to be used as a basic introductory guide. Our intention is to provide you with some foundation information regarding these british qualifications. We cannot however make guarantees to the accuracy of our information and hold no responsibility and cannot be held liable for any inaccurate information. We love our students and we wish you the best wherever you are, and whatever qualification you choose to do.
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